The Weirdest Things Sports Fans Do

Fan is short for fanatic and the definition of fanatic is; a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religion, political cause, or sports team. I’ve been a player, a fan, a play-by-play commentator, and a color analyst, so I’ve seen my fair share of fans and the weird and crazy things they’ve done, and their interesting quirks. I’ve decided to narrow it down to three of the weirdest things as a whole that I believe fans do.

  1. They let the success and/or failure of their team dictate their mood or how good or bad their depression is triggered. I’ve seen the players and teams get over a loss and failure way quicker than the fans. Weird behavior if you let it trickle good or bad past a few hours.

  2. When fans have severe overreaction one way or the other based off of the outcome of one game or performance. If a player is killing it or a team is undefeated, but then they have one bad game randomly doesn’t mean they all of a sudden suck, it means they had a bad game, simple as that.

  3. This one is mainly for adult males. A grown man wearing a jersey with another man’s name stamped across their back. I don’t know why, especially where I come from why I think this is weird behavior, but I think it is the weirdest of them all. It reminds me a lot of human worship which I think is ultimate weirdo stuff. To each their own, but for me, super weird.