My Simple Take On Relationships

I’ve had my fair share of relationships. Some lasted a significant amount of time, and some lasted long enough to realize they shouldn’t have started in the first place. In some of them I was the reason it didn’t work. It others, they were the reason it didn’t work, and it almost all of them that didn’t work, myself and the other person were both to blame for various reasons. Each one has taught me a multitude of things. What kind of man/person I want to be. What kind of woman/person I want with me. What I require out of my person and what I’m willing to compromise because nobody is perfect so there will always be give and take within a relationship. Clearly none of them worked for various reasons, except for the one I’m in now. It’s easy to say what will make a relationship work with the typical things like; trust, honesty, communication, etc. It’s easy to say what will doom one like; cheating or lying. However, something very simple that came to mind I wanted to share. It’s simple in thought, but sometimes these kinds of things take work, both on your part and your partners.

Relationships are a choice. DAILY. You have to choose each other everyday. It’s not that hard if you chose to love each other, each day. Loving means to not just say it, but to live it for yourself and that person. Understand their wants and needs. Understand your wants and needs. Understand your flaws and how you can become a better person each day. It’s loving your person everyday, not just on the one day you made it official, or the day you said “I do,” and not just on the days where loving each other is easy. You love them more on the hard days. True love is working through it all because at the end of the day you want that person in your life and you couldn’t imagine your life without them again. Of course you still stick with great communication, faithfulness, and trust. However, if you truly choose each other day by day, you’ll find yourself doing the things you should to make it work, and steering clear of the things you shouldn’t that could potentially doom it. A daily choice. If you want your person, you’ll make that choice each day.