It's Time To Drive Him Out To the Woods

I don’t care his age. I don’t care what his intentions were. I don’t care if there was some truth to what he said. I don’t care if you’re 8, 18, or 88. If you’re old enough to mouth off, you’re old enough to get stomped. I’m going to be classless here, because I don’t think he deserves the respect of being treated with class, and that was evident by his stupidity of doubling down on being a geriatric asshole. It’s time to put Lou Holtz in the back of the truck and “drive him out to the woods.” It’s time for the shoe box, and out to pasture. There is always heat when it comes to Ohio State and Notre Dame in football, and that is all fine and well. However, for that Daffy Duck sounding moron to say that toughness is THE reason the Buckeyes lost the games he alluded to is “dessssthpicable.” It takes a lot more to beat a team, especially one of the Buckeyes caliber.

So, the game happens and the Ohio State Buckeyes go into South Bend and beat the Fighting Irish at the end 17-14. They did this on the road, at night! A tough way to win, especially against a top team, and instead of taking his L and moving along, he proved how stupid he looks and sounds by doubling down days later. Let’s use real quotes for everyone to actually see why he needs “taken out to the woods.” Days later Holtz says things like; “He doesn’t want to talk about Michigan and 0-2.” No dumbass, he was playing Notre Dame, why would he talk about an opponent weeks away when your shit little program is who got the focus, took the loss, and hasn’t beaten the Buckeyes since 1936. “He doesn’t want to talk about the big game coming up against Penn State and against Michigan again.” He doesn’t need to talk about Penn State because his next opponent is Maryland, and if I remember correctly, they do pretty well against the Nittany Lions. “Notre Dame was a better football team.” They weren’t and no they aren’t. You were ranked below Ohio State to start. Then you got to play us in your house at night and in front of the world and touchdown Jesus, OSU scored the touchdown to win, meaning your precious little green men were losers and you should have just kept your mouth shut, had your early bird special dinner at 2:30pm and went about your life. So, double down, triple down all you want. You sound like the idiot you are and YOU LOST! Now head back to your lift chair and enjoy what’s left. For anyone that wants to come at me for being petty or going after an old man…you can get it too. I don’t discriminate and I’d feel the same way if this was done to anyone. I’ll drive the truck out there.