Creating A Great Company Work Culture

Creating a great work culture within a company can be the easiest thing to create, however, it can be the easiest thing to lose. When you create a great culture in the workplace, you are adding to the things that can bring in and keep good talent. On the other side, if this portion of your business is in disarray, it definitely is a quick way to have the best people leave. I’ve seen it first hand during my time in radio. A fun, amazing job can become miserable off of culture alone. There are so many things that can be done to build this up to greatness, but I’m going to share five important things that can help get it to where you’d like it to be. 

  1. Identify and share core values for your organization – This shows what kind of people you want to ride this journey with. It also gives expectations of what your company is looking for when it comes to personnel and personalities, among other things. 

  2. Recognize and reward employees for their wins – Everyone likes a little pat on the back from their managers. It shows them their hard work is being noticed and appreciated. Most of the time this can give them more motivation to be great. Help them help you. We write people up when they are underperforming, or put them in some sort of performance improvement plan; so let’s make sure we go the other way when it is deserved as well. 

  3. Celebrate and promote diversity and idea sharing for everyone – It takes all kinds, and for all kinds to help your business succeed, let’s make sure all kinds are welcome. They are welcome within the company as long as they are a good fit and allow them to share ideas if they care to, which helps culture knowing they have a stake in the success. People at the end of the day just want to matter, and what better way to make people feel like they belong is acceptance and listening to them. Not to mention you may get a rockstar idea that could take something in your company to the next level. Win-win. 

  4. Be authentic with your employees – The good ones can smell BS from a mile away. If they think you’re fake, they’ll lose trust in you, your company, and your vision far before you lose confidence in them. Authentic people usually have the strongest relationships with the most important people in their lives. 

  5. Plan company outings or gatherings – This is a double win. You’re showing appreciation for their work and you’re giving them time away from work to build a closer relationship with the people they spend more time with than their own families. The best culture areas in my life are the sections that I get to know and spend time with people. I can’t vibe with people I don’t know. The people I do and we share common interests and goals, special relationships happen, and in the business world, special things happen.

“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin